Turn Your Light On

The alternate title for this post: it’s really time for you to start tooting your own horn up. Or, in the words of Chance the Rapper, GAS ME UP GAS ME UP!!

I took a second to start thinking about the past six months. I’m big on goal setting and hard work. I’m always pushing myself. I always want to be doing more and more and love watching myself rise to the occasion. For me, it’s less about the actual goals I’m achieving, though those are important too, and more about reminding myself that I can.

I’m at a point in my life and my work where I can say that I’m really proud of myself. I’m committing to my commitments. Doing the work and really making things happen.

I’ve had the chance to work with some brands that I never knew would even know my name a year ago. And there’s so much more happening in the next few months.

I’ve grown as a person, as a professional and a creative.

I’ve watched my skillset go from a short bullet point list to a fully fleshed out range of creative skills.

I’ve taught myself video editing, stepped up my photo editing, increased my income and started laying a really solid foundation.

This post probably sounds like a few paragraphs of bragging and to an extent, that’s exactly what it is.

Because when people ask me how things are going, what’s new with me or what I’m working on? I go quiet.

It’s so hard for me to talk about myself, my achievements and things that I’m working on outside of work. Part of it is not wanting to come off as bragging. I’m not an overly boastful person and I’m not one to lead with what I’m done.

A friend told me the other night that she saw an article called how to brag and instantly thought to send it to me.


Being able to talk about the things you’ve done, the things you’re most proud of, are so important. And you shouldn’t feel out of place or cocky sharing your achievements with others, especially those who really love and care about you. They’re proud of you, too!

Dulling your light in a moment only leaves everyone in the dark. So today, I hope we all stand a little taller, speak a little louder, and turn our lights on.

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