It’s been a while since I’ve shared a reading wrap up on the blog. I don’t know why I fell off from creating these posts! I’ll be getting back to sharing them regularly on the blog, but if you missed what I read earlier in this year, I did a video on it!

I was actually in a reading slump for most of July. I finished 4 books, but I probably started and put down 10 books! It wasn’t that the other books weren’t good, I just wasn’t in the mood to read much. By the middle of the month, I’d figured out that I really wanted to read something an easy, and that I was missing some of the things you only find in YA books.

Being a mood reader ain’t easy!

Overall, I ended up finishing two books I really liked, one that was good (but not great), and another that was pretty meh.

Furyborn by Claire Legrand

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4/5)

What I liked/disliked: I’ve been in the mood for a good YA fantasy and picked this up based on a bookseller recommendation! This book is filled with action from page one, and doesn’t really let up. This is great because it keeps you hooked and turning pages but can also be a bit overwhelming. Everything seems super significant!! The magic system is (for the most part) elemental which I love! But again, there are a lot a moving pieces and types of magic beings involved. I definitely plan to pick up the next book and finish out the series!

The Opposite of Always by Justin A. Reynolds

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4/5)

What I liked/disliked: This was such an adorable, easy to fly through read! It’s over 400 pages but I finished it in about a day! We follow Jack who’s finishing up his senior year in highschool and prepping for college. While visiting his future school, he meets Kate and, as you probably guess, romance ensues. Until Kate dies…like within the first 50 pages! Jack is then able to travel back in time and see if he can prevent Kate’s death. While trying to save her, he has to decide what he’s willing to risk or lose to continue chasing after love. I loved the characters and side storylines in the book, loved the way it was written and just loved reading it! A great summer read, for sure!

Shrill by Lindy West

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐ (3.75/5)

What I liked/disliked: You know me, anytime there is a show based on a book, I have to read the book first! This collection of essays was recently turned into a series on Hulu that I haven’t watched yet, but absolutely planned to. I’m not sure what I was expecting going into this, but I know that my expectations weren’t met. Don’t get me wrong, this is a really good essay collection! I definitely enjoyed some essays more than others, which is normal when reading any collection. I loved her takes on grief and on being a woman sharing things on a sexist, misogynist, troll-filled internet. I thought some of the essays were a bit repetitive and went on too long. But the writing is easy to digest and packed with bits of comedy and funny moments!

The Art of Sleeping Alone: Why One French Woman Gave Up Sex by Sophie Fantanel

Rating: ⭐⭐ (2.5/5)

What I liked/disliked: The premise of this book sounded like something right up my alley! The execution, not so much. This book was originally written in and translated from French, and I honestly think a lot was lost in translation. There were some moments that made me cringe a bit (like a consensual sexual encounter that was kind of breezed over). And other moments where I was wondering what I was even reading! The book is honestly less about the author’s decision and experiences living without sex and more her critiques and judgments of everyone around her, most of whom were having sex haha. When she first describes why she’s giving up sex, I found her points relatable and well put, but then we pretty much diverge from there into a no man’s land of her random musings. The writing is beautiful, but I wouldn’t recommend this one (unless maybe you read it in French? It could totally be a language thing!).

What’s the best thing you read last month? What good books are you in the middle of? I’m still on a pretty big fantasy kick right now, and also have a few non fiction books on my radar!

If you’re looking for a community of readers to tap into, we’d love to have you in my bookclub!! I’ll be announcing our next read in the next few days!

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