November has always been on of my favorite months. Maybe because it’s when Autumn, my favorite season, reaches is fullest peak or when Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday, takes place. It just feels like a good, grounding month. Most of these prompts are centered around getting and staying grounded as we wind down 2020. Given that the first week of the month is bound to be a bit anxiety inducing with the impending Election, it seemed like a good time to be reminded of our roots.

As you work through these prompts and fill up your journal, I hope you learn new things about yourself, you dreams, your hopes and desires. And have fun while you do it!

As a reminder, journaling is not a competition. If you don’t journal everyday, that’s okay. Progress over perfection! Aim to write for at least 10 minutes every day, and remember that this journal is for you and you alone. There is no need to edit yourself, hold back on what you write, or critique your writing. Journaling is a personal practice.

  1. Set an intention for the month ahead, keeping in mind we’re now nearing the end of the year.
  2. How can you inspire more creativity in your everyday life?
  3. What are your most important core values? Why are they significant?
  4. What can you let go of to make inner peace a higher priority?
  5. Write about what makes you truly happy, even if they aren’t things that would be apparent or make sense to others.
  6. What is the state of your soul?
  7. When do you feel most connected to the things happening around you (events, people, etc)?
  8. When do you feel most disconnected from the things happening around you (events, people, etc)?
  9. Respond to this quote: I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart. I am. I am. I am. ~ Sylvia Plath
  10. Complete the sentence and reflect from there. I am capable of _____ because I am _______.
  11. When you think about the current state of your life, what are you most proud of?
  12. Write out a list of positive affirmations. When you’re done, read them aloud to yourself. (I recommend repeating this daily, if possible!!).
  13. What was the first thing on your mind when you woke up this morning?
  14. How can you root yourself in gratitude?
  15. What is the heaviest thing on your heart today?
  16. What memory do you have that lifts your spirits when it comes to mind?
  17. What does being your most authentic self look like?
  18. How does your intuition speak to you?
  19. When do you feel the most aligned with your purpose?
  20. Describe what’s inside of your self-care toolkit.
  21. What is bringing you the most energy right now? What’s draining your energy the most?
  22. Write about 3 people making a positive impact on your life right now.
  23. Describe what home means and feels like to you.
  24. What in your life now currently aligns with the life you most desire to live?
  25. What do others depend on you for?
  26. What principals do you use to guide your life and decision making?
  27. What would you like to be known for?
  28. Do you feel like you’re “on the right track?” Where is that track leading you?
  29. Where are you focusing most of your time right now? Do you need to shift this?
  30. Reflect on the month we are leaving behind.
    • What worked well this month?
    • What didn’t work well?
    • What did you learn?
    • What goals did you accomplish?
    • Favorite moments or memories?

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