I’m so excited to be sharing another month of journal prompts! If you missed out, I did a first round of these in July, and the response was pretty overwhelmingly positive! I’m glad that so many of you are trying to make journaling a consistent habit.

I’ll be posting prompts daily in the morning on my Instagram stories, and will share them all here on Sunday mornings if you’d like to catch up! The goal of this challenge isn’t necessarily to journal every single day, but rather to add another healthy habit to your toolkit and to make reflection a consistent practice.

Week of September 1

  • It’s a new month, let’s start with an August review! What went well last month? What did you struggle with? What would you like to accomplish in the next 30 days? What are you bringing into September?
  • What does the term ’embodiment’ mean to you? Write about the physical things you do that make you feel connected to people, things and nature.
  • Finish this scenario: It’s early morning, and you’ve woken up in a bed that isn’t yours. You’ve never seen this place before. You turn on your side, and a butler knocks and enters the room. They tell you that you’ve made it, you officially “have it all…”
  • Write about the last time you felt genuine joy. What was happening? Where were you? What was going on in the world? How can you pass that joy along to someone else today?
  • React to this quote in your journal: “If you surrendered to the air, you could ride it.” – Maya Angelou
  • Describe what your daily environment is like. How has it been impacting you? What, if anything, do you wish you could change about it?

Week of September 7

  • Write a list of things you need to let go of. They can be physical, emotional, people, etc. How would it feel to let them go?
  • Finish the prompt: I know I can do hard things, I’ve overcome tough things before, including…
  • Write about your best friend(s). What do you love about them? What makes your relationship work?
  • Just because you carry something well, doesn’t mean it isn’t heavy. What heavy things are you carrying that you could set down?
  • Write our what your ideal day would look like! Start with when and how you’d wake up and end with when you’d get ready for bed. Be as realistic or creative as you’d like!
  • React to this quote in your journal: “Show me someone not full of themself and I’ll show you a hungry person.” – Nikki Giovanni
  • Finish this line: I wish they understood, but no one knows…

Week of September 14

  • Spend 10 minutes writing out as many positive affirmations as you can! Focus on affirmations that speak to your present feelings.
  • What does extending yourself grace mean to you? What would it look like to extend yourself grace today?
  • You have to be your own biggest cheerleader! You’ve done so much that you should be proud of. Write a letter to yourself celebrating yourself and the things you’ve accomplished, big or small. Hype yourself up!
  • How does the judgement of others impact how you live your life? What would you do differently if you knew others wouldn’t judge?
  • We hold a lot in our heads. Let’s do a braindump. Write out every task, idea, thought or concern floating in your head right now. When you’re done, mark which things are real priorities.
  • As the year continues to throw curve balls, it’s important that we take time to process and then make an action plan. We have to do what we can. Take a minute to write out everything you’re feeling in response to recent events. Put it all on paper. Then write a list of things you can do to act.
  • React to this quote in your journal: “In order to rise from its ashes, a phoenix must first burn.” – Octavia Butler

Week of September 21

  • It’s the last full week of September. What can you focus on and accomplish this week to end the month on a high note?
  • Write about the last time you stepped outside of your comfort zone. What good came from being uncomfortable? How can you step outside of your comfort zone more often?
  • Are you a perfectionist? How has your relationship to the idea of being perfect impacted you?
  • Finish the sentence, and reflect from there. I am the most confident in my abilities when…
  • Write a note to your inner critic. What has it stopped you from doing? How has it shaped your life and decisions?
  • React to this quote in your journal: “No matter how far a person can go, the horizon is still way beyond you.” – Zora Neale Hurston
  • What is the biggest challenge you are working to overcome right now? Why is it so important to overcome it?

Week of September 28

  • Write about a time you were truly proud of yourself.
  • Write out your motivation routine. What rituals or habits help launch you into a successful work day or session. If you don’t have one, write out your ideal!
  • Reflect on the month we are leaving behind.
    • What worked well this month?
    • What didn’t work well?
    • What did you learn?
    • What goals did you accomplish?
    • Favorite moments or memories?

Bookmark this post, and come back to it when you’re stuck on where to start on a fresh journal page!

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  1. Thank you for taking the time to post these prompts and encourage us all to put pen to paper and create an outlet for all the thoughts. Appreciate your time and intention.

  2. Love this! I’ve recently started my own blog and with a full time job it’s hard. Really want to make a good go of it.
    This is really useful to help me focus.
    Thank you!