Do you also feel like you logged onto the internet one day and everyone was talking about CBD? That’s exactly how I felt last summer, when it seemed like everyone was raving about the wonders of CBD oil, and its positive effects on anxiety and insomnia.

I was skeptical. Even when some of my close friends started to take it, and seemed to be benefitting from using it.

I didn’t like that it seemed to be so unregulated. Where is this stuff even coming from?

I didn’t like that so many of the brands and stores that carried CBD oil seemed a bit sketchy and had such a male, stoner appeal.

And honestly, I wasn’t sure that this wasn’t just a new, trendy way to use weed medicinally.

I wasn’t inspired to try it, but I was definitely curious about the benefits. Then, I discovered Equilibria.

If you’re anything like me, there are a handful of bloggers and content creators who you trust wholeheartedly. When I saw two of my favorite bloggers Grace and Hitha, posting about using and working with Equilibria, I was finally ready to hop on the CBD oil train. I ordered their daily drops, because it seemed like the best place to start.

My CBD Oil Routine

I tried the drops consistently at bed time every night for a week straight. They’re supposed to help soothe stress and anxiety and help you fall and stay asleep. Equilibria recommends starting with a full dropper. This dosage worked way too well for me! It would help me chill out for the night, but because I was taking it so close to my bedtime, I was waking up groggy, which was no good.

I knew I needed to switch up my routine if CBD oil was going to be a thing for me. One of the things I love about Equilibria is that once you make a purchase, you have access to a dosage consultant who can learn more about you and make recommendations on how to get the most out of any of the products.

On my call, I mentioned that I loved the calming effects of the drops but hated how groggy I felt in the morning. So we switched into the routine I’m using now which works SO WELL for me:

  • One of the Equilibria Soft Gels in the morning (I’m an early riser, and take it around 7am after I’ve eaten something)
  • One full dropper of the Equilibria Daily Drops after dinner (usually around 7/7:30pm). Sometimes if I don’t think I need it, I’ll skip the drops or take a half dropper instead.

Daily Drops vs. Soft Gels

The key difference between the soft gels and the daily drops are the release times.

When you take the drops, the instructions say to hold the dose under your tongue for a minute or so to help with absorption. Because of this, you feel the effects of the drops within minutes. I seriously notice the effects right away and they are so good for falling to asleep (faster acting than melatonin has ever been for me, while also calming me down and focusing my thoughts). The effects last about 4-6 hours depending on your body.

The soft gels offer a slow release, which makes them perfect for my morning dose before work (to help with brain fog and work day anxieties) and for staying asleep. It takes about 2-3 hours for the full effect of the soft gels to kick in, and the effects last for about 6 hours. If you struggle with anxiety and have scattered thoughts during the workday because of it, I recommend adding the soft gels to your routine!

Equilibria also gifted me a jar of their relief cream, which I gave to my dad because he has such bad arthritis. He called me 5 minutes after he applied it because he couldn’t believe how quickly it worked!!

You can mix and match until you find a dosage that fits your needs –there’s no wrong way to go!


I still had a million questions (and I’m sure you do, too) about CBD oil, so I talked with one of Equilibria’s dosage experts to get the full scoop.

Q: Will you get high from Equilibria’s CBD products?

A: No! Equilibria products have 0.3% of THC in them, and you need 10% to get high under federal definitions.

Q: When is the best time to start a CBD routine (i.e when you’re already stressed, in good shape, etc)?

A: It’s best to start when you’re in your regular routine, whatever that may mean for you! If your normal is stressed, anxious or deals with insomnia, it’s totally fine to start a CBD routine then. Consistency with the routine is key.

Q: What makes Equilibria different than other CBD brands?

A: First, you’ll get a dosage expert, which is so important when starting any wellness routine. Secondly, while anyone can use these products, they are made by women for women. And lastly, because of the quality of the products. Equilibria used medical grade, full spectrum CBD. Equilibria also has it’s own organic farm, so you know what you’re getting and where it’s sourced.

Q: Can you overdose or use too much CBD?

A: According to the World Health Organization, you cannot develop a tolerance, become addicted to, or overdose on CBD.

Q: Can you take a CBD product while you’re on other meds, especially meds for anxiety or depression?

A: Talk to your doctor before taking any supplement, to be sure. CBD can enhance the effects of some medications. You always have the option to chat with one of Equilibria’s on staff pharmacists!

Q: What, exactly, does CBD treat?

A: There are a few claims that CBD makes including: inflammation (helping with chronic pain and autoimmune diseases), sleep management, stress management and hormone management.

Q: Are there any side effects users should be aware of?

A: Drowsiness is the main reported side effect. Also, dry mouth, headache and nausea for some people.


Have you ever tried a CBD product? You can use code amberburns for 15% off first your order from Equilibria! If you have other CBD questions, let me know in the comments and I’ll post a follow up!

Disclosure: I am partnering with Equilibria as an ambassador. All opinions, obviously, are my own! Some links in this post are affiliate links, meaning I earn a commission if you purchase through them at no added cost to you! Thanks for supporting the brands who support this blog.

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