It’s a fresh month, it’s autumn, and I feel more energized than ever to reflect and spend time focus on my goals as we round out the year. Autumn is the season of harvesting. All of the seeds we’ve been sewing all year, and what a year it’s been, are ready to be gathered up and celebrated.

As you work through these prompts and fill up your journal, I hope you learn new things about yourself, you dreams, your hopes and desires. And have fun while you do it!

As a reminder, journaling is not a competition. If you don’t journal everyday, that’s okay. Progress over perfection! Aim to write for at least 10 minutes every day, and remember that this journal is for you and you alone. There is no need to edit yourself, hold back on what you write, or critique your writing. Journaling is a personal practice.

  1. Set an intention (or several intentions) for the month ahead. How would you like the month to flow?
  2. Write out a list of things you are currently grateful for. How can you make space for more gratitude in your life?
  3. Write about something you have now that you didn’t imagine having 5 years ago. How does it make you feel? What is possible now because of it?
  4. Write about your favorite time of the day. Why does it bring joy?
  5. Write about something you accomplished, but never had the chance to celebrate.
  6. Imagine you have finally accomplished *that* ultimate goal. Write a thank you letter to all of the people who helped to reach it.
  7. Make a list of things you love about yourself.
  8. React to this quote: “be the energy you want to attract.” Based on what you’re attracting, what kind of energy are you?
  9. How would you like your life to look this time next year? Be specific.
  10. What can you do today to make a small step towards how you’d like your life to look this time next year?
  11. How does your intuition speak to you? How can you better listen to it?
  12. Write out a list of positive affirmations to guide your day.
  13. When is the last time you had a good, cleansing cry?
  14. What’s something you’ve learned (a skill, about yourself, etc) in the last year?
  15. What does it mean to you to live a meaningful life? Is this how you’d currently describe your life?
  16. How have you made space for healing in your life?
  17. Do you believe you deserve the things you want?
  18. Finish the sentence, and reflect from there: I am worthy of ________.
  19. Write about something that comes into your mind often, but that you haven’t acted on.
  20. What value do your most important relationships add to your life?
  21. How do you seek clarity in your life?
  22. Write about the most valuable piece of knowledge you have. How do you use it?
  23. How do you know when it’s time to slow down?
  24. What traits do you have that you haven’t accepted?
  25. What was the last gift you were given? What was the last gift you gave?
  26. How do you feel about yourself today?
  27. Are you actively “doing the work” in the areas of your life that most need it? What does the work look like?
  28. What excites you about the present moment?
  29. What excites you about the future?
  30. Write about something you have taken for granted.
  31. Reflect on the month we are leaving behind.
    • What worked well this month?
    • What didn’t work well?
    • What did you learn?
    • What goals did you accomplish?
    • Favorite moments or memories?

Bookmark this post, and come back to it when you’re stuck on where to start on a fresh journal page!

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