wanting a traditional careerYou know the worst part about trends? They tend to create a ripple effect, and that ripple seems to almost always contain a bunch of expectations that we all suddenly feel compelled to meet. Even when those expectations don’t align with our goals, or aren’t in our best interest.

There seems to be a formula to these things, it’s almost like a science. First, something hits the internet and people are impressed with it. They love the results it seems to have brought to the person who shared it and the lifestyle they were able to create around this thing. It seems that if they can figure out a way to bring this thing into their life, they’ll be able to have less of what they don’t want and more of what they’re craving. More money, more freedom, more passion with less stress, debt and restrictions.

With the help of blogging, and so many people (and hey, mainly women!) creating bold, passionate and profitable careers for themselves from the comforts of their local coffee shops, creating your own career has become a central theme of the internet. Search Google, or even Pinterest, and you will easily find a treasure trove of content on freelance to full time, creating and growing and profitable business and so on.

And don’t get me wrong, I think that’s amazing! I love that now there are so many options other than the graduate and take the first livable salary option that used to plague us. traditional career

But with this freelance overload and the number of success stories available at our fingertips, there seems to be a pressure now lingering over the internet. Everyone feels like they must be creating a side hustle, or working late nights and early mornings over six large coffees to take their side hustle to the next level.

And those who aren’t as inclined to join this movement often get casts as sad workers who haven’t been able to commit to their passions. It’s that message, I feel, that’s problematic.

After I graduated, I tettered on the fence of what my next steps should be. Should I try to take what I love and freelance full time? Was it realistic, and would it help me accomplish my true professional goals? Where did I really want to be in five or ten years?

If you ask yourself similar questions, you may find that the best way to get where you truly want to be is… *drumroll* working a 9-5.

But, there is a kicker, you need to find the RIGHT 9-5.

If you make your job search more about finding a passionate career than you do finding a job, you can’t go wrong. When you’re in an interview, ask about more than the role of the position you’re applying for or the benefits you’ll receive. Ask what the company values are, and make sure those values align with your own. If you value the ability to travel, and the company you’re working for values giving its employees freedoms (like travel), you’ll likely be a very happy camper.

The point of this post is to say that you shouldn’t feel like the odd ball out if you’re not up late nights creating and executing plans for your online takeover. Working a 9-5 does not make you just an employee, you are still as powerful and in control of your life as any other creative.

And speaking of creativity, working a 9-5 does not make you any less creative.

Choose your path based on passion and purpose, not pressure to be something popular.

Have you ever felt pressure to conform to the less traditional models of employment or business just to fit a certain mold? I’d love to hear your perspectives!

images via ashley ella

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  1. Thank you for this! I’ve definitely been feeling this way lately and have been leaning towards the same conclusion – glad I’m not the only one who’s felt this!

  2. I’ve always thought about creating my own passionate career or working 9-5. It’s tough because society looks at the ones who works 9-5 as not following their dreams or not having ambition and a drive to create their own way. The ones that create their own career is some what glamorized.

    On the other hand, I am a mixture of both. I have a job that has long hours and also have a blog (a baby side hustle).

  3. I wish I could scream this sentiment from the rooftops. YASSSS! Working a 9-5, and being an employed professional does not make you less of a creative. In fact, I find that I enjoy writing and blogging more than if it were to be my job. Thank you times a billion for posting this!

  4. This is amazing that you bring this topic up. I love my career from 8-5 but somehow feel like I’m missing out on my side hustle’s growth when working which can create conflicts at times. This post is hit it right on the nail and could not have been shared any better. Spot on!

  5. Love this. It’s different for everyone. Not everyone fits in the one mold – how boring would that be? You have to prioritize working towards carving your own path and remaining focused on your personal goals, whether it’s 9-5, freelance, SAHM, wanderer etc. I agree that society assumes the 9-5-ers are “unaspiring / no ambition” (like Danielle also mentioned above) – so untrue! And you gotta remind yourself constantly that everything you see online is filtered (whether it be a little or a lot) to not get caught up in trends that might not be a good fit for you.

  6. yessss this is such a great callout… it’s easy to get sucked in to the ‘corporate life’ is the worst talk, but really i enjoy working within a larger organization and having the opportunity to see my work on such a large scale. obviously there are days when i’d kill to be my own boss (not literally! lol) but it’s important to remember neither is better or worse, it’s just what works for you, at that moment in your life. thanks!