#EMDailyI’m so excited today guys! I’ll be heading out of town to Washington, D.C for a very long weekend at a conference. I’ve been feeling the need for a change of scenery for a while. I love Philadelphia, but change is always nice.

This time around, and from now on, I want to start taking you guys with me on the go, and making it easy to chronicle where I am and what I do when I’m not blogging.

Grabbing coffee, making a meal, heading to study or planning fun adventures in the city with friends –I’m ready to capture and share it all!

I was going through my Instagram and was disappointed at just how little I’ve shared these past months. I’m hoping knowing that now I’ll be more inspired. So please, follow along with the hashtag #EMDaily on Instagram & Twitter.

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  1. Yay! I love seeing what my favourite people are up to (not in a stalkerish way, mind you). I’m terrible at Instagram myself – I just don’t have a very pretty life I guess! I forget to update all the time, but I think the best Instagram accounts are ones that are relatable, and not always perfect… I really should listen to myself sometimes!
    Beth x

    1. I actually did a post on this a while back, Beth – Behind the behind-the-scenes – and the response was really positive; I mentioned the fact that we often forget what’s outside the frame of those instagram images, and that we should try to be more accepting of our less-than perfect lives! I’d love to see you sharing more of ‘real life’, and I think it’s so important we all do!

  2. I am very excited (and entirely impressed!) by this hashtag usage, Amber, and can’t wait to head on over and have a squizz (which I’m off to do, now!). Have a fantastic time at the conference, and enjoy your break away!