Whoa, is this thing on? It’s been over a month since I’ve hit that new post button here. It feels so good to be sitting down and getting a post up, especially this post. I’ve been writing and sharing links, on Sundays, over coffee, with you all for years now. Year over year, these are some of my most popular posts. I’m glad they’re also still my favorites to share.

This weekend was super slow, which is about the only speed of weekend I can handle these days. I worked, rested, read (don’t forget to join us for book club!) and binged the very first season of Top Model (on Prime).

So much has happened over the past few months. Lot’s of highs and lows and new things. Soon, I’m hoping to sit down and get a much larger life update posted here, among other things.

But for now, after a week of pretty awful news and headlines everything, I’m sharing this post to be a bit of an escape. For you and for me. I hope these links help us all to start our week feeling empowered, heard, entertained and, most importantly, apart of a community.

Links I Loved…

+ Grace’s post on high functioning anxiety was pretty spot on and definitely resonated with me.

+ I am absolutely team buy the latte! I could talk about the millions of ways millennials are shamed for the most nonsensical things for days.ย 

+ Apparently, people were questioning if sparkling water was hydrating? Good news, it is (duh).

+ Loved this post on asking for exactly what you want, in work and life. Much needed.

+ Making the case for meal planning.

+ What to do if you’re feeling a bit lost. (I also may pick up the book mentioned!)

+ A good introduction to CBD oil. Have you tried it?

+ Some good, simple tips to live more sustainably.

I hope you have a calm, easy and intentional Sunday, friends!

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  1. I’ve been working on my sustainable living aspect of my life. making very very small changes…but hopefully i’ll be able to make some larger ones in the not so distant future ๐Ÿ™‚