
It’s official – today I turn the big 2-1! Yippee!

It’s no secret that I am a huge fan of birthdays. I’m excited to celebrate with some of my favorite people – I have the best family and friends that anyone could ask for.

A few years ago, this birthday would have completely freaked me out. I’m over that first “hump” of the twenty-somethings and now I’m really in it, fully committing to this whole adulthood and getting older thing. Every year is a transition, every year brings new discoveries – about myself, my world, my passions, my relationships.

And yes, that can be scary. Next year may not be anything like this; I could be in a completely difference place (mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally).

But, I’m comforted by the fact that I really like the person that I’m becoming. So as long as I can stay myself, I know that the rest will fall in line.

Happy Birthday to all of the other March 18th’s out there!

(Photo via.)

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  1. Yay! Happy birthday Amber! I loved turning 21. My 23rd bday coming up this year is the first one to freak me out in terms of growing up. I think it’s just because I’m like woah your 20s go fast!
    Enjoy your day! As for the year up until your next birthday? Try to drop in everywhere that you are 21, it’s one of those ages that people love to talk about ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Happy birthday beautiful Amber!! I’m 25 and my 21st BDay feels like it was SO long ago :), so do your best to cherish it and have a FANTASTIC new year!

  3. The happiest of birthdays to you!!! I remember my 21 :-). I celebrated at the strike of 12. Well actually, I don’t remember what I did during the day, but the early morning hours were a blast ๐Ÿ™‚ Enjoy!!!

  4. Happy Birthday! I’ve yet to reach twenty one but when I do I want to do something big ๐Ÿ˜€ Hope you have a great day and that your 21 Days of Self really helped you to be where you want to be at at this stage (: I actually opened your pre-birthday newsletter today (8 days late) and it led me here lol well it was clearly fate!