What a week. But it’s official –finals are over and done with and one week from today, I’ll be walking in graduation.ย #AllTheFeels

I walked out of my final final exam feeling a bit indifferent. The uneasy feeling of “what’s going to happen next” didn’t creep up on me, but the rather the sentiment that the board is finally clear to fill with whatever I please.

All of those projects, adventures and risks I’ve been wanting to take, but could never find the time for (oh, that pesky class and study schedule) can now come to the forefront. And it’s likely no surprise, I’m most excited to have more time to dedicate to the blog.

So many exciting changes are on the way for this space. I’ve got a new design that is almost ready to go live! I didn’t plan on changing the look around here, but since Google’s paying more attention to how websites respond on mobile, and I hate being behind, I figured it was time to step it up and make sure no matter how you stop by for updates, you can read the blog with ease.

Oh, and that new design is also coming with a new logo. I’ve been working really hard to prepare to pitch to some great brands to partner with here on the blog, and I always want to make sure I’m putting my best foot forward. This is the first time I’ll be showcasing a blog logo that I didn’t design myself…which is SO BIZZARRE! But, I trust my designer, and can’t wait to share a refreshed Ember & March with you all.

I’ve also decided to share a bit more about my journey through freelance. I’ll be sharing posts on services I actually offer, the journey through getting started and sharing bits and pieces along the way. Anything you want to know in particular? Ask away!

What I’m most excited about is a reclaiming of my own time. Having the freedom to really chose my own path, and hoping that I choose wisely.

Thank you all for the well wishes and sweet comments I’ve gotten about graduation –it’s made the entire lead up much less frightening. I feel like there’s a pretty awesome crowd behind me, cheering me on. And I love that.


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  1. I am in the EXACT SAME spot that you’re in at the moment. I’m graduating in less than two weeks, and not feeling like “what am I going to do now” but more like “now I get to do ALL the things!”. It’s so nice to finally have the time to start and finish projects and make things. Excited to see your new design, and looking forward to your posts about being a freelancer, as I’m trying to get into that myself.

  2. So excited for you, Amber! I remember feeling SO happy that I could finally freelance all day every day if I wanted and not have to worry about projects. Can’t wait to see the new look for you blog and what’s to come for you ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Ahh I can not wait to see the new site and all that you have planned! Congrats on being finished with school too! It’s going to feel like a major weight has been lifted off of your shoulders once you walk across that stage!

  4. Congratulations on graduating, that is pretty badass. I’m looking forward to seeing the new look, your site is always so aesthetically pleasing I’m sure it’ll be nothing but phenomenal.

    Z ยท JPOTTER

  5. Aww congrats love on Graduating, I can’t wait until I can cross that milestone in my life which will be next year man patience is virtue.

  6. Congrats on your final exam and being so close to graduating. I was overwhelmed with how “free” my mind felt after graduating, not having my head filled with due dates and a study to-do-list constantly! Exciting times ahead!!

    Megan || http://www.ohheyblog.com

  7. Congratulations on graduating! I remember the feeling. Although I wasn’t at a good place with design at the time (I had a rough thesis and needed a really big break) the thought of ending school and starting “adult life” terrified me but also excited me. You seem to have a great head on your shoulder and you’re ambitious enough to want to succeed, and you will :). I am excited for your changes! Great job xo