Before we all know it, we’ll be welcoming 2014! Didn’t this year just fly by? It can’t just be me feeling this way. With the end of the year approaching, if you’re anything like me, you’re working hard to wrap up some goals that you set at the beginning of the year, and preparing to focus on new ones.

highgeargoalsNothing feels better than reflecting on a year that just passed and celebrating all of the things you’ve accomplished. I want all of us to be able to share in this celebration of accomplishment! So to help us all knock those final things off of our lists, let talk about how to kick yourself into high gear.

01 / Evaluate your remaining goals goals. Many times, we put a goal on the back burner because we didn’t set it to meet an immediate need. It’s easier to focus on short term goals, because their results are seen faster. So revisit some of those goals that you set that haven’t been given attention yet. If they still carry as much significance as they did when you first set them, keep it on your list to tackle. If you’ve gone a different direction and you aren’t feeling a particular goal anymore, it’s okay it retire it.

02 / Get a little obsessive. When I’m really working hard to accomplish something, I completely surround myself with it. When I decided to launch this blog, I was writing And Yes To Joy all over my notebooks, planner and on post-its around my room. I’d write out the vision for it all of the time. And before I knew it, launch day was here. The more you see it, the more likely you are to do it.

03 / Share your goal. I know that sharing something you’re passionate about can be scary. You feel vulnerable, and don’t want to give someone a part of you that they may judge or criticize. But sharing your goals with others creates a system of accountability. It’s one thing to remind yourself of something you want to get done, but another to have someone else rooting for you, and expecting something of you.

04 / Write it out. Write out the vision you have for yourself upon achieving your goal. What will the future be like once you have this thing completed? What else will you be able to focus on once this is done? Sometimes, seeing it written out inspires you even more to bring it to fruition.

05 / Recognize your fears. If you’re holding back from completing this goal because of the fears associated with it, you need to acknowledge that so you’re able to move on. Take a moment to confront, and even write out, the things that you are most afraid of when it comes to this goal? What is limiting you, or stopping you from succeeding? Once you label it as a fear, and not a real obstacle, you’ll be able to press on!

06 / Make a plan. Now, it’s time to execute. Set deadlines for yourself, give yourself set times to work on things that work realistically with your lifestyle. Plan ahead for some necessary changes and adjustments, too. If your goal requires you to write for a few hours a day, don’t plan to go out to coffee or lunch when you would normally have free time. Prepare to make a few sacrifices so that you meet your goal in the end.

What goals are you trying to accomplish before wrapping up 2013?

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  1. Awesome tips! My goal for the rest of the year is just to really narrow down how I want to FEEL in 2014, and then let my goals pop up from there. I want to make the stage to go into the new year feeling at peace, but also crystal-clear clarity on what I want to achieve. Lots of note-taking ’round these parts 🙂

    LOVE the energy surrounding the new year! x

  2. Whenever I see those desk pictures I always want to get a pastel pencil and write a poem and then blog on my white Mac. Weird? This is a good list. Unfortunately, I dont have the attention span to really focus this much on accomplishing big goals, so I go little and go home. But I did decide instead of resolutions I’m going to do goals, with not much of a big difference there, but it will be something like “read 7 books” instead of “go to the gym”

  3. I need to sew a lot. Love this list by the way. My biggest fear is disappointing customers, I think, with my delays and/or my work. But the more I obsess over it, the longer the delay grows. It’s ridiculous.