on supporting your fellow creativesThe idea to share my thoughts on this topic came as I was working my way through a list of items that needed to be done for the rebrand.

The new brand and site are going to incorporate new content styles that I really hope will help connect me with all my readers more and expand the reach of the brand. Over the past year or so, I’ve had time to really think about where I want to take the blog, how I want to expand the brand and where I see myself going.

Having big plans underway is always exciting, but also terrifying.

There’s always those thoughts that linger in the back of your mind that keep you up at night. The little (but loud) voice of self doubt that makes you question if you’re dreaming too big, trying too hard or putting to much faith in yourself (hint: don’t ever listen to that voice).

As a creative, I’m so grateful to have a network and community of creatives around me to keep me uplifted and inspired. I don’t know what I’d do without fellow local bloggers willing to grab coffee and share resources or groups like PHL Bloggers.

But as a consumer of online content, I’m so grateful for the creators, who take the time to hone their crafts, get vulnerable and share pieces of themselves online. It’s not easy.

Being on both sides of the coin, creator and consumer, I feel like I have a different responsibility to the online creative community. I can see, maybe more clearly than others, how important it is to support the creatives that you love.

Sometimes, that means monetarily supporting by clicking an affiliate link, buying a product or referring a client. Other times, it’s just showing that there’s an active community on that creator’s platform by leaving a comment, liking or sharing a post.

It seems like so little, but it can make such a difference to that creator.

Creators cannot sustain their brands without support from the community. And consumers, our lives would not be as rich without the creators who pour out their time and energy.

There is definitely a stigma about supporting creatives, especially when earning money comes into play. For some reason, there are some people who believe that creators just should not be earning money for what they do. I’m sure there’s lots of reasoning behind this, but I do find it problematic that someone earning income for their work is bothersome to some folks.

I’ve been putting extra care into being a better supporter lately. Liking posts and videos and also leaving comments, sharing posts on my social as well as in link round ups on the blog.

I’m a believer in getting from the universe everything that you put into it.

How can you better support the creatives you love? And fellow creators, how important is the support your community gives to you?

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  1. Yes yes yes! I didn’t realise this until I started being more creative independently. Before, I would always think that it was indulgent and that I shouldn’t use my time and money on these things that aren’t necessary. But now I realise that it’s not about me but about the creatives and supporting what they do 🙂 -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

  2. I need to be better at engaging and reaching out with other creatives, as well as taking time to acknowledge the great work they’re doing.

    I can’t wait to see your rebrand! Your content is amazing and I know whatever you decide on doing will only enhance it.

  3. Yes to all of this! The “sell-out” mentality has got to go when it comes to people judging/being judged for making money as a creative.